Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I just want to state this in ink or rather typing.

I am sorry for not being a good person who should update everyone every month. As you can tell I am not one who is good at making updates but rather I'm one who enjoys talking one on one with people.

I could also say that I have been busy but that would be a lie. I could say that I have written updates but haven't put them on here and that's true but I never got to clean it up. I could go on and on but I think you get the idea...

So, would you please forgive me for not doing what I thought I would be able to do.

Derick (Irresponsible one)

Sunday, January 17, 2010

NEWSLETTER January 2010


Sorry that this is rather late. I really don’t have a legitimate excuse other than I just haven’t been motivated. This winter season doesn’t help with the lack of motivation. Anyhow, On-word I go.

As you all know I have been living in the Czech Republic for about 5 months and counting. These past 5 months have been an up the hill battle, so to speak. Being thrown into a new culture or rather a new world has been exciting but that was the first of the experience. Afterwards it has become an overwhelming mess.

I came willing to study the language and I wanted to meet new people and all the things coming with being in a new place but alas after a few weeks it has become more of a task to even go to the grocery store or even getting on the train/bus. The simple things in life have become harder than I thought they would be.

With learning the language, it never really happens nor is it happening. I can understand more than I can speak and this makes it that much hard to communicate what I want. I have pretty much given up on studying the language because I have lesson planning to do and things that come with living on your own. But, I am glad I can at least understand some words (in context). I guess that is a positive thing! I get all giddy when I understand someone and what they want or even what they like.

Shopping is going well but I really don’t know what to cook other than potatoes, pancakes, cereal, and eggs. So, if you have any ideas feel free to send some simple recipes. That would be WONDERFUL! Also, who knew that there were five different types of flour?

I do miss the simple things in American life. Going to the store and being able to understand everything they say and them being happy to serve you.

Things aren’t always sad, frustrating and overwhelming but they can be happy and exciting. Traveling has become a big help with being in a different country were you don’t understand the language but know English. I have walked to Germany and I also took a night train from Budapest to Prague (talk about a sleepless night). It always is an adventure with funny stories to go with the different places I go.

I have seen many different kinds of people through out my travels; from the men who befriended me on the night train from Budapest to the great couple I met in Budapest. The two men and I watched a movie together and I was lucky that one of them spoke English and so we chatted for an hour then watched a movie (in English with Czech subtitles). The way I met the couple was because I lost my camera on the tram, I didn’t know that I lost it until I got off of the tram. When I realized that I lost it I had to wait until the tram came back to just see if it was still there. I had a friend who told me I wasn’t going to get it back and that it was lost among the hustle of the trams. But as soon as I go on to the tram I had a man come up to me holding my camera. Him and his wife told me that I left it and they were coming back to see if I was at the stop that I got off at. I was truly blessed to have them give it back. This was a great Christmas present!

I could write more about my happenings here in the Czech and also talk about how much I miss you but I feel as if these words can’t do it justice, if you would like you can always contact me on Facebook, Skype, or Email. I also want to know what is going on in your life as well, feel free to contact me anytime.

This is where my newsletter comes to something I dread to even talk about, money. As you all know I needed to raise $10,000 for my services over here and also in Pasadena. The count of what I have raised is $4,000 which leaves me at about $6,000 that I still owe. If I don’t pay it while I am over here I will be forced to pay it as if it was a loan. So, I am asking for help (it isn’t easy to ask), if you can help at all with $10 a month or even $5 that will help me to not stress out about this debt. I know with the economy these days are hard. I know because my father has lost his job because of it, but if you can give anything that would be wonderful, if not could you please pray for me and my family or at least my family.

People here are less likely to become a friend as quick as it is in America. They hold their friendships dear and being here it is wearing off on me. So, if you are my friend/family you are so important to me and I would do anything for you. Our friendship is what I live for. God has blessed me with a life that is worth living not only for me but for you. I am always here for you and I know that you are always there for me and I thank God for that everyday!

Thank you for all your prayers and support!

May God bless you with an eventful life!

In Christ


Information about support: You can go to this website and they have it all written out for you. J

You can also check out my YouTube videos. Search Czech Vlog

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Quick update

Here is a quick little update. I have a newsletter in the making so be looking forward to that. I hope to have it within the week.

Well, classes are back in full swing. I have been teaching for the last week and a half and it hasn't been as bad as I thought it was going to be, so we can praise God for that one! But, things are still kind of hard with not being with family during Christmas and still seeing that I have 6 more months to go. It was weird not doing the typical Christmas family get togethers. But life goes on. Right?

Onward, I have a friend named Martin and him and I go out or at least try to go out once a week to chat and talk about guy things. Martin is a teacher at my school and he knows English really well. I am glad there is someone willing to talk with me in English! It's difficult to find someone willing to just chat with you when you don't speak their language in return. He has truly be a gift from God that has helped me with being in this new culture. He tells me about the Czech and what's good to do and wants not so good to do. It's also nice to have a guy to just talk with about guy stuff.

I want to thank you for all of those who have sent up prayers. They are helping me get through life just knowing that you all care so much to take a minute out of your day to pray for my well being to a God who deserves more than any of us.

Thanks again!
In Christ

P.S. There is a newsletter on it way! If you want it sent to you via E-mail just send it to me at

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

November/December blog

These past few weeks have been an up and down experience. But I think this time of year it is almost the same as every winter. I get stressed and sad but once winter fades so does my moods and bad feelings. I hope I will get better and maybe even stronger than before with these feelings.

God has opened several doors that has helped me to get involved in the community. I will be playing in a floorball game this Saturday as a goalie (floorball is like Ice Hockey w/o the ice) with some other teachers from my school. We are playing against all the other teachers within the city. So, wish me luck!

I also have a doctor that I have been meeting with here in Sokolov. She just wants to practice her English. So, we've gone out for coffee and stuff like that. But it's kind of stressful because I don't know how to help much.

I have also been asked to spend time with a 2nd grader. His mother wants me to speak English around him so that he won't lose the English he already knows. They've lived in America or Canada for about 2 years. It sounds like babysitting but it could be fun. Me and my roommate were thinking about swiching off and on. So, I will have to update you on that once it happens.

I've also been helping with an English club here in Sokolov. We just started it just a few weeks ago and it has been going really well. We are slowly getting more students as the time goes by and they seem to be having a lot of fun but we only have a few here and there. So pray for it so that we can get more students. I also help at another English camp in Cheb (ch=hk like in Hebrew) with the girls that are in the same program as I am and that one has been a huge succsess.

I have a few stories to tell you or maybe just one.
Well, all of you know that I have a tattoo on my wrist that says Christ in Greek. So, I had this girl in one of my classes who asked me what it was. I then proceeded to tell her and her eyes lit up. So, after class she came up to me and asked me if I was a Christian and I said yes and she got so excited that I think she was about to cry and she was beaming from ear to ear because she is also a Christian. At this time I wasn't all there and I wasn't as excited as she was but looking back this makes me think about how happy she was to know that her teacher shares the same faith. While I was leaving the classroom she said, "God Bless you" then it hit me.. WOW! This is why I am here!

I hope you enjoyed these stories. If you have any questions or remarks just let me know either on here, Facebook, or E-mail me at

Soon I need to send a news letter. So, if you could send me your e-mail and others that would like to hear how things are going just send me them to the e-mail above. That would be great!

Keep praying for my health, heart, and mind also that I may focus on God and the things he wants me to see while I'm over here.


Derick Rowe aka Mr. Rowe :)

These are a few things that I have been up to and I hope that there's more doors to open.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

update #3 or is it #4?


Well well,

Life has been nice recently. Things have been more of a get up go to work, get back to the flat get on facebook (when we have the internet) and then go to bed (9:30). It is nice to have a constint schedule but I am sure I will get tierd of it soon.

With my students it has been pretty much the same ole stuff. They won't listen to me but once I yell at them they get to work and do what they are supose to do (sometimes).
I have a student who walked up to me after class and asked if I was a "Christ" (meaning a Christian) and I said "yes" and then he said "cool! Me too!" After that I gave him a high-five. Then the next day (today) He came up to me and gave me a high-five and asked if we were friends. Now this is why I was meant to be here for. To show those who might not have another Christian friend and me being the one person he can share this experiance.

God truly is working through me. Not sure if all of it is good but I do know that this one is. I can't wait to see what else he has for me to come.

On another note. The program that I am over here with has just added my visa bill to my account making my total that I owe is $6134. This is also added to the amount that I owe for my loans back in America. I don't want to have to ask because I am a very prideful person and that is one thing that I need to grow out of. So, if you could help out any that would be fantastic! You can help with $5 a month and that's not to much to ask for. And if you know of anyone who would be will to help me out that would be great if you can tell them and show them my Blogspot or they can add me on facebook and I update that about everyday. I am always willing to tell everyone how things are going if you just ask me.

I will hopefully add more in the next few days when we finally have the internet back in the flat. If you want to skype sometime just let me know and my address is Derick.rowe

In Christ

P.S. The place you can give is at and make sure you put my name on the list. THANK YOU ALL! Much LOVE!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Fall is here!

Dear readers (all seven of you),

I am sorry I haven't updated in awhile. I was going to update this past weekend but got side tracked. Anyway, enough of my excuses.

Things here have been going well, for the most part. I have been to Prauge for the second time to visit with some friends/fellow English speakers. It is always nice to be around someone who speaks your language and you don't have to slow down and say every word one letter at a time. Going to prauge is fairly cheap. For a two hour bus ride it is about $7.00, isn't that awesome! So, once I get my first pay-check (yes my first) I will start saving so that I can go visit all of my other friends here in the Czech and maybe just maybe visit another country.

Eventhough my support has stopped completely I want to use the money that I earn here to feed myself and also visit this place that they call Europe. I really think that this will probably will be my last time here in Europe. So, I want to see as much as I can and it's fairly cheap.

Anyway. Some good things that have happend here..... hum.... I am getting to know my fellow teachers. They are some of the nicesest people. They are all willing to help me out when I do something wrong or if I need to know where a place to eat or if I need to go to Karlovy Vary they are willing to take me. And they all want to get to know me. Maybe not all at once but they ask me questions here and there. I am sure God will open a door soon just so I can have a deep conversation.

Now on the God note.

I have been thinking about what it is that God wants me to do in life and also about me being myself no matter what that is. I am slowly learning that I am not always going to have everything figured out and I might be in a place that I don't want to be in but God has put me in this place to learn something for the next place I will be (which might not be a place I want either). Romans 14:19. States what it is I have come to peace with not only myself but for others.

If there is things that you want me to talk about or even more about let me know. I just don't know what it is that you all want to hear from me. Sometimes I feel like I just bable about nonsense. Anyway, I hope all is well with life there in the states and Peru and wherever everyone else is.

In Christ's love!

P.S. Pray for me for I am sick and I have been taking a lot of vitiman C but it's not working. May God bless me on this journey. And photos will be up soon on photobucket or flicker one of the two because it won't let me put any on here. When I do I will give you all the address and password so you can print and give them to everyone!